Sunday, May 24, 2015

Random Daily Five Thoughts

It's the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend.  I have had a fun day with my family and now everyone is sleeping.  Well, my four girls are in bed, not necessarily sleeping.  I love to read about new teaching ideas at night when my kids are in bed.  When I was looking through some of my teaching books,  I came across The Daily Five and CAFE books by the Two Sisters, that I read last summer.  I just started using Daily Five for the first time in my classroom this year and I am anxious to reflect and revise many things for next year.  I read the first few pages and had to grab my highlighter.  The first ideas of Daily Five were inspired by Margaret Mooney, an amazing literacy teacher from New Zealand.  No way!  I knew I loved Daily Five.  As a former Reading Recovery teacher, I have so much appreciation for New Zealand teachers and the impact they have made on literacy all over the world.
Then I hopped onto the two sisters site: and started searching kindergarten and getting started.  I found a cool parent letter that teaches parents the language we use in Daily Five and how to ask their children the right questions about their day.  I also discovered an article, "2 Different Word Walls," by Trish Prentice.  She wrote about having two word walls in your classroom, one wall for those "sit and get" students and a magnetic interactive word wall, where students can come up and grab a word they need, take it back to their seat, and then return it when they are done.  Ding! Ding! Ding!  That makes so much sense!  So, I have added that to my list of things to put in my new classroom this fall!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Countdown Has Begun!

While I'm trying so hard to stay in the moment, it has occasionally crossed my mind today that we only have 22 days left!  I can't believe it.  It feels like just yesterday I started this journey at my new school.  And now I have 22 days left with my little munchkins, 22 days left to teach them everything they need to know for first grade, and 22 days left to love on them before they leave me for the summer.  And did I mention only 25 days to get my room packed up and moved out of my classroom?  You see, we are getting a brand new elementary school and our current building will begin demolition three days after the kids leave.  I haven't packed one thing.  I don't want my walls to be bare for those last 22 days!  That just wouldn't be cute!  And I am all about cute!  (I'm a little bit of a procrastinator too.)  The good news is that I moved schools last summer after 15 years of teaching and I got rid of a lot then!  So my emotions go from excited to worried to thrilled to stressed to overwhelmed to calm and then I finish it off with my motto for kindergarten inspired by the one and only Pete the Cat..."It's All Good!"